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atrium + ventricle-> conus arteriosus -> gills. They have a complete digestive system. This includes two sub phylum- 1. Bony fishes that have an especially good sense of smell, such as eels, have an enlarged forebrain. 7. They have a closed circulatory system. All members of the class are bony fishes, residing in both fresh and saltwater conditions. Diversity of Chondrichthyes. The circulatory system consists of a two-chambered heart; arterial and venous systems, and characteristically four pairs of aortic arches; blood contains nucleated red cells. —Closed circulatory system made of two-chambered heart (three in amphibians and exothermic sauropsids, four in endothermic sauropsids and mammals) and blood vessels —Blood moving away from heart in arteries, which narrow into arterioles, which narrow further into capillaries Fish have a simple, single-loop circulatory system were blood flows from the heart to the gills, and then to the rest of the body in a continuous loop through a series of veins 8. FISHES Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes. a. the opening to the digestive system or mouth. Another adaptation for survival is its heat exchange circulatory system that enables the … Genital and excretory systems closely related, utilizing common ducts and pathways. Fish Respiration Water flows over gills as fish opens mouth and c. components of the jaw. Unlike the slitlike gills of the gnathostomes, the gills of agnathans are pouchlike and open through pores. 3. A closed double-loop circulatory system that replaces the single-loop circulatory path of fish. Muscles in the chest cause the sternum to be pushed outward. Fish in the class Osteichthyes have skeletons of … Class Osteichthyes includes all bony fishes. Digestive system spiral valve. Fish Anatomy Internal Features. 5 Comparative Adult Anatomy of Systems in Vertebrates. ­ 4) Internal organs: liver, kidneys, endocrine glands, heart and closed circulatory system ­ 5) Endoskeleton of cartilage (protein) or bone (protein and calcium crystals). fusiform, pelagic, marine predators sometimes benthic or sedentary, rarely freshwater 5-7 gill openings 3 pterygial elements 1 Objectives. Annelida. The portion of the conus next to ventricle is called pylangium while the distal part is designated as synangium. This brings us to the comparison between bony vs cartilaginous fish. The reason for this is because more than half of the chordates are generally fishes. Phylum: Chordata. maintain internal environment (homeostasis) in conjunction with the kidneys. Circulation with a closed circulatory system vertebrates 1 Osteichthyes and from BIOL 3236 at University of North Carolina, Charlotte The class Osteichthyes is the largest class of vertebrates, with around 28,000 members. The scheme presented in your book is inconsistent with fossil record in several important respects. i. c. one or more gill slits. Bony fishes share several distinguishing features: a skeleton of bone, scales, paired fins, one pair of gill openings, jaws, and paired nostrils. All vertebrates have a vertebral column. ... Osteichthyes. Reproduction involves a return to the water. phylum annelida. True bony fish belong to this category. 8. Blood consists of the following (the concentration of these products is controlled through "osmosis" which controls the amount of fluid): A. The circulatory system is necessary in larger animals in order to move oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of the body and to remove wastes and carbon dioxide away from tissues. Cephalochordata. b. suspension-feeding devices. They use trachea for respiration. d. gill slits for respiration. Date post: 31-Mar-2015: Category: Documents: View: 240 times: Download: 3 times 6 Assignment. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrate Hearts. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrate Hearts. Blood circulation is through pumping action of the heart pushing blood through closed vessels. The Osteichthyes Circulatory System. Circulatory System of Amphibians: The heart of amphibia consists of a sinus venosus, two auricles, an undivided ventricle and a conus arteriosus. 4 Circulatory System Adaptations for Oxygenation in the Fetus. The notochord is seen either throughout or at some stage of their life. However, preliminary studies believe the parasite can act as a lure for prey giving the shark a a benefit as well. It consists of a heart, blood, and blood vessels. Digestion - Osteichthyes. It is enclosed by the pericardial membrane or pericardium. The speed helps this shark tremenously because it can easily catch its pray. Closed circulatory system with ventral heart and median dorsal artery. Some species of Osteichthyes can survive as deep as 11 km down, (6.8 mi. Respiratory system [edit | edit source]. fusiform, pelagic, marine predators sometimes benthic or sedentary, rarely freshwater 5-7 gill openings 3 pterygial elements The following significant facts have been pointed out: (a) The yolk sac of Osteichthyes (bony fishes) and Amphibia is supplied by blood from body veins, while that of Selachii (cartilaginous fishes) and Amniota receives blood by way of direct branches from the dorsal aorta. Closed circulatory system with arteries and veins and a 2-chambered heart that consists of an atrium (which receives blood) and a ventricle (which pumps blood into the arteries). Structures and Functions of the Circulatory System Functions Transports nutrients, oxygen, waste, hormones, and cells throughout the body. 3. Crocodilus (crocodile) belongs to class reptilia. Depending upon the species, the bird has seven or nine air sacs. 7 Other Labs in … Chordates digest food by ingestion, which means to take in food by their mouth and absorb and digest the food in your body. What Are Bony Fish? 51 terms. Do amphibians have an open circulatory system or a closed circulatory system? Respiratory system, including either gills or lungs, and located closely to the pharynx or throat. The external divisions, which may be seen in the common earthw. Nervous system consists of a brain with small olfactory lobes and cerebrum; large optic lobes and cerebellum. How does blood flow throughout the body of a fish? There are two main groups of fish, namely Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes based on the composition of the endoskeleton. The endoskeleton of Chondrichthyes is made up of cartilages and they mainly live in marine habitats while the endoskeleton of Osteichthyes is composed of bones which are found in both marine and freshwater habitats. Respiratory system [edit | edit source]. Ther term "amphibian" refers to two life styles, one in water, the other on land. Vertebrates also have a well-developed brain, a pair of eyes, a circulatory system with a heart, a pharynx, and a mouth with muscles! Habitat: Majority of the Elasmobranchii live in saltwater ocean; however, an estimated 43 species including skates, smooth dogfishes, river sharks, pajama catsharks, and sandfishes, stingrays, sawfishes, and bull shark and many more are known to feed or reproduce in freshwater rivers. Chordate survey * Subphylum Vertebrata (vertebrates) ­ Class Agnatha ­ … Start studying Biology Exam Review. Closed circuit circulatory system. The central nervous system is compromised of a brain and spinal cord. ), while others live in habitats as high as 5 km or (3.1) miles above sea level. Class _______________ is the cartilage Fish, they have tooth-like scales, they are ectothermic, have two pairs of fins, gills, Internal fertillization, Carlilage skeloton, a two chambered heart, and a bilateral line of symentry. From this category, fishes are classified as either osteichthyes or chondrichthyes (bony fish or cartilaginous fish). The class Osteichthyes is the largest class of vertebrates, with around 28,000 members. Squaliformes - typical modern sharks (ca. ABEKA WORLD HISTORY AND CULTURES TEST 8. Do fish have an open or closed circulatory system? A fish's spinal cord transmits motor messages to its peripheral nerves, and sends sensory messages back to the brain, the various nerves of the peripheral nervous system branch throughout the body. Three body layers. 4. 42% of all Osteichthyes. The vertebral column, or backbone, surrounds and protects the nerve cord. Fish Anatomy External Features. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the circulatory system in vertebrates with the help of suitable diagrams. Respiration- They use gills to respirate. (b) The allantois is always supplied directly from the aorta by the umbilical arteries. - Chordates are warm blooded or cold blooded. In osteichthyans, the circulatory system actually invades the cartilaginous matrix. 12. Ther term "amphibian" refers to two life styles, one in water, the other on land. Also known as Segmented Worms. which can then be used to build up new fish body. In what class would this animal be classified into? In osteichthyans, the circulatory system actually invades the cartilaginous matrix. There are many similarities, which include: You have far more in common with this trout than you might think. The following significant facts have been pointed out: (a) The yolk sac of Osteichthyes (bony fishes) and Amphibia is supplied by blood from body veins, while that of Selachii (cartilaginous fishes) and Amniota receives blood by way of direct branches from the dorsal aorta. Osteichthyes: Characteristics, Classification and Examples. Each metamere consists of a section of the body wall and a compartment of the body cavity with its internal organs. True coelom. Digestive System. Humans, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are all vertebrates. Development of a three-chambered heart that pumps mixed blood before and after it has gone to the lungs. Trends in circulatory systems - Fig 42.3. Urochordata and 2. Chondrichthyes have a..... A. Diversity of Chondrichthyes. Class Osteichthyes • Swim Bladder – a gas-filled sac above the stomach allows for adjustments in buoyancy Upper and lower lobes of Caudal Fin almost always the same size 16. Rana (frog) belongs to class amphibia. At the nose end of the fish lie olfactory lobes, which provide sense of smell. The sinus venosus gets deoxygenated blood from the body, travels to the atrium which is pumped to the ventricle. A closed double-loop circulatory system that replaces the single-loop circulatory path of fish. Bony fish are fish that have a skeleton made up of bone and cartilage, in contrast to the cartilaginous fish, which have no bones.There are over 29,000 species of bony fish that grouped together into a taxonomic Superclass called Osteichthyes, making them the largest taxa of vertebrates in existence today.Some other characteristics of bony fish include the ability to swim forward and backwards. A very primitive fish within this group is the coelacanth, belonging to it’s own order. 9. It has a 3-chambered heart (two auricles and one ventricle). - Blood in is transferred in the by the heart, in cephalochordates by contraction of blood vessels. The circulatory system of fish is quite simple. HAve a closed circulatory system with. 2 Vertebrate Anatomy: Background. Osteicethyes is the largest class of superclasses Pisces under the subphylum Vertebrata (phylum: chordata ). These organs are usually paired. QUESTION 2 The animal in the picture below has a 3-chambered heart within a closed circulatory system, lays non-amniotic eggs in water, is ectothermic and poikilothermic, and breathes using lungs. Osteichthyes have a closed circulatory system with one main circuit. Circulatory - Osteichthyes. Its circulatory system possesses closed type circulatory system, the whole system is primarily comprised of a gills, heart, blood vessels, and blood itself to flow and supply oxygen. Blind fish, such as cavefishes in the family Amblyopsidae, have a reduced midbrain.Fast-swimming bony fishes usually have an enlarged hindbrain. Olfactory pits - blind sacs opening to the external environment that … Jacques Cartier Pizza St-constant, Internships For Students Work From Home, Forebet Top Trends Tomorrow, Traditional Festivals In Myanmar, Real Drum Premium Mod Apk 2021, Homes For Sale In Presque Isle Maine, East Gwillimbury Houses, Axcan Pharmaceuticals, Astronaut Quarantine Before Launch, " />

osteichthyes circulatory system

Circulatory system - two-chambered heart sinus venosus -> atrium + ventricle-> conus arteriosus -> gills. Hippocampus (sea horse) belongs to class osteichthyes. Their heart has two chambers with an atrium and a ventricle. 2. The nervous system, sensory system, endocrine system, circulatory system, excretory system, and muscular system have the same basic structure as those of gnathostomes but are simpler. They have compound eyes. Be the first to answer! Chondrichthyes all breathe through 5-7 gills, depending on species.However, they differ on how they get water to pass over the gills. Fins. Squaliformes - typical modern sharks (ca. Circulatory System • Two chambered heart • Gas exchange occurs in the gills 19. Key concepts: vertebrate, heart, chamber, double circulation, septum, shunt, atrium, ventricle, vein, artery. Do osteichthyes have a closed circulatory system? If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Most of them have teen and some of them do not have teeth. Often has a parasite on its eye, causing it to be nearly blind. Is the longest-lived … Osteichthyes. They have an opened circulatory system. Class _______________ is the cartilage Fish, they have tooth-like scales, they are ectothermic, have two pairs of fins, gills, Internal fertillization, Carlilage skeloton, a two chambered heart, and a bilateral line of symentry. The heart of a fish is a simple muscular structure that is located behind (and below) the gills. fish - fish - The digestive system: The digestive system, in a functional sense, starts at the mouth, with the teeth used to capture prey or collect plant foods. It consists of a heart, blood, and blood vessels. It is ... circulatory system and a 2 chambered heart (1 atrium and 1 ventricle. 350 spp.) Because the Mako shark is known the fastest swimming of all sharks it can get up to the speed of 35 kilometers per hour. This category of fish is also referred to as Teleostomi. But instead of lungs, bony fishes have an organ called gills. 11. Tetrapods - amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Can grow up to 7.3 m (24 ft) and more than 1,400 kg (3,100 lb). Development of a three-chambered heart that pumps mixed blood before and after it has gone to the lungs. The third group of fish is the class OSTEICHTHYES, or bony fish. The function of the respiratory system is to enable gas exchange between the fish and the water, a process that is necessary for the vital functions to be performed. Crustaceans are invertebrates with a hard exoskeleton ( carapace ), a segmented body that is bilaterally symmetrical, more than four pairs of jointed appendages ("legs") and an open circulatory system (the "blood" does not flow in a closed loop). The presence of a backbone has led to classes of animals with complex circulatory system, advanced nervous systems and acute sensory organs. The circulatory system performs a variety of functions including: transport of respiratory gases, nutrients, metabolic wastes, hormones and antibodies. In osteichthyes, the gills are covered by a bony protective flap called the operculum. 350 spp.) Bone strong but not brittle. Closed circuit circulatory system. These select Elasmobranchii have the ability to withstand both salt and fresh water. The respiratory system of animals is crucial for the life as it allows the exchange of gases between an organism and the environment. The Fish Digestive System As with all animals, digestion in fish involves the breakdown of eaten food into its smaller component parts: amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, etc. ... Related Questions. The Circulatory System. Osteichthyes excludes the jawless fishes of the class Agnatha (hagfishes and lampreys) and the cartilaginous fishes constituting the class Chondrichthyes (sharks, skates, and rays) but includes the 20,000 species and more than 400 families of modern bony … 10. So in Class chondrichthyes and Class osteichthyes have closed circulatory system. Fish Review - Image Diversity: gills; The Fish Heart. Circulatory system with a heart and closed blood vessels Endothermy versus ectothermy - Fig 44.4 - Ectothermy = cold-blooded = poikilothermy - Fig 44.3 - Endothermy = warm-blooded = homeothermy. In an open circulatory system, the heart pumps a fluid through arteries that empty into a large space, the hemocoel. In chondrichthyes, no opercula are present. Class Agnatha. Phylum: Chordata. Chondrichthyes mostly use their mouths, as do chimaeras and skates, but rays get water through spiracles, which are small holes on top of their head that run to the gills. (b) The allantois is always supplied directly from the aorta by the umbilical arteries. Circulatory system - two-chambered heart sinus venosus -> atrium + ventricle-> conus arteriosus -> gills. They have a complete digestive system. This includes two sub phylum- 1. Bony fishes that have an especially good sense of smell, such as eels, have an enlarged forebrain. 7. They have a closed circulatory system. All members of the class are bony fishes, residing in both fresh and saltwater conditions. Diversity of Chondrichthyes. The circulatory system consists of a two-chambered heart; arterial and venous systems, and characteristically four pairs of aortic arches; blood contains nucleated red cells. —Closed circulatory system made of two-chambered heart (three in amphibians and exothermic sauropsids, four in endothermic sauropsids and mammals) and blood vessels —Blood moving away from heart in arteries, which narrow into arterioles, which narrow further into capillaries Fish have a simple, single-loop circulatory system were blood flows from the heart to the gills, and then to the rest of the body in a continuous loop through a series of veins 8. FISHES Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes. a. the opening to the digestive system or mouth. Another adaptation for survival is its heat exchange circulatory system that enables the … Genital and excretory systems closely related, utilizing common ducts and pathways. Fish Respiration Water flows over gills as fish opens mouth and c. components of the jaw. Unlike the slitlike gills of the gnathostomes, the gills of agnathans are pouchlike and open through pores. 3. A closed double-loop circulatory system that replaces the single-loop circulatory path of fish. Muscles in the chest cause the sternum to be pushed outward. Fish in the class Osteichthyes have skeletons of … Class Osteichthyes includes all bony fishes. Digestive system spiral valve. Fish Anatomy Internal Features. 5 Comparative Adult Anatomy of Systems in Vertebrates. ­ 4) Internal organs: liver, kidneys, endocrine glands, heart and closed circulatory system ­ 5) Endoskeleton of cartilage (protein) or bone (protein and calcium crystals). fusiform, pelagic, marine predators sometimes benthic or sedentary, rarely freshwater 5-7 gill openings 3 pterygial elements 1 Objectives. Annelida. The portion of the conus next to ventricle is called pylangium while the distal part is designated as synangium. This brings us to the comparison between bony vs cartilaginous fish. The reason for this is because more than half of the chordates are generally fishes. Phylum: Chordata. maintain internal environment (homeostasis) in conjunction with the kidneys. Circulation with a closed circulatory system vertebrates 1 Osteichthyes and from BIOL 3236 at University of North Carolina, Charlotte The class Osteichthyes is the largest class of vertebrates, with around 28,000 members. The scheme presented in your book is inconsistent with fossil record in several important respects. i. c. one or more gill slits. Bony fishes share several distinguishing features: a skeleton of bone, scales, paired fins, one pair of gill openings, jaws, and paired nostrils. All vertebrates have a vertebral column. ... Osteichthyes. Reproduction involves a return to the water. phylum annelida. True bony fish belong to this category. 8. Blood consists of the following (the concentration of these products is controlled through "osmosis" which controls the amount of fluid): A. The circulatory system is necessary in larger animals in order to move oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of the body and to remove wastes and carbon dioxide away from tissues. Cephalochordata. b. suspension-feeding devices. They use trachea for respiration. d. gill slits for respiration. Date post: 31-Mar-2015: Category: Documents: View: 240 times: Download: 3 times 6 Assignment. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrate Hearts. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrate Hearts. Blood circulation is through pumping action of the heart pushing blood through closed vessels. The Osteichthyes Circulatory System. Circulatory System of Amphibians: The heart of amphibia consists of a sinus venosus, two auricles, an undivided ventricle and a conus arteriosus. 4 Circulatory System Adaptations for Oxygenation in the Fetus. The notochord is seen either throughout or at some stage of their life. However, preliminary studies believe the parasite can act as a lure for prey giving the shark a a benefit as well. It consists of a heart, blood, and blood vessels. Digestion - Osteichthyes. It is enclosed by the pericardial membrane or pericardium. The speed helps this shark tremenously because it can easily catch its pray. Closed circulatory system with ventral heart and median dorsal artery. Some species of Osteichthyes can survive as deep as 11 km down, (6.8 mi. Respiratory system [edit | edit source]. fusiform, pelagic, marine predators sometimes benthic or sedentary, rarely freshwater 5-7 gill openings 3 pterygial elements The following significant facts have been pointed out: (a) The yolk sac of Osteichthyes (bony fishes) and Amphibia is supplied by blood from body veins, while that of Selachii (cartilaginous fishes) and Amniota receives blood by way of direct branches from the dorsal aorta. Closed circulatory system with arteries and veins and a 2-chambered heart that consists of an atrium (which receives blood) and a ventricle (which pumps blood into the arteries). Structures and Functions of the Circulatory System Functions Transports nutrients, oxygen, waste, hormones, and cells throughout the body. 3. Crocodilus (crocodile) belongs to class reptilia. Depending upon the species, the bird has seven or nine air sacs. 7 Other Labs in … Chordates digest food by ingestion, which means to take in food by their mouth and absorb and digest the food in your body. What Are Bony Fish? 51 terms. Do amphibians have an open circulatory system or a closed circulatory system? Respiratory system, including either gills or lungs, and located closely to the pharynx or throat. The external divisions, which may be seen in the common earthw. Nervous system consists of a brain with small olfactory lobes and cerebrum; large optic lobes and cerebellum. How does blood flow throughout the body of a fish? There are two main groups of fish, namely Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes based on the composition of the endoskeleton. The endoskeleton of Chondrichthyes is made up of cartilages and they mainly live in marine habitats while the endoskeleton of Osteichthyes is composed of bones which are found in both marine and freshwater habitats. Respiratory system [edit | edit source]. Ther term "amphibian" refers to two life styles, one in water, the other on land. Vertebrates also have a well-developed brain, a pair of eyes, a circulatory system with a heart, a pharynx, and a mouth with muscles! Habitat: Majority of the Elasmobranchii live in saltwater ocean; however, an estimated 43 species including skates, smooth dogfishes, river sharks, pajama catsharks, and sandfishes, stingrays, sawfishes, and bull shark and many more are known to feed or reproduce in freshwater rivers. Chordate survey * Subphylum Vertebrata (vertebrates) ­ Class Agnatha ­ … Start studying Biology Exam Review. Closed circuit circulatory system. The central nervous system is compromised of a brain and spinal cord. ), while others live in habitats as high as 5 km or (3.1) miles above sea level. Class _______________ is the cartilage Fish, they have tooth-like scales, they are ectothermic, have two pairs of fins, gills, Internal fertillization, Carlilage skeloton, a two chambered heart, and a bilateral line of symentry. From this category, fishes are classified as either osteichthyes or chondrichthyes (bony fish or cartilaginous fish). The class Osteichthyes is the largest class of vertebrates, with around 28,000 members. Squaliformes - typical modern sharks (ca. ABEKA WORLD HISTORY AND CULTURES TEST 8. Do fish have an open or closed circulatory system? A fish's spinal cord transmits motor messages to its peripheral nerves, and sends sensory messages back to the brain, the various nerves of the peripheral nervous system branch throughout the body. Three body layers. 4. 42% of all Osteichthyes. The vertebral column, or backbone, surrounds and protects the nerve cord. Fish Anatomy External Features. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the circulatory system in vertebrates with the help of suitable diagrams. Respiration- They use gills to respirate. (b) The allantois is always supplied directly from the aorta by the umbilical arteries. - Chordates are warm blooded or cold blooded. In osteichthyans, the circulatory system actually invades the cartilaginous matrix. 12. Ther term "amphibian" refers to two life styles, one in water, the other on land. Also known as Segmented Worms. which can then be used to build up new fish body. In what class would this animal be classified into? In osteichthyans, the circulatory system actually invades the cartilaginous matrix. There are many similarities, which include: You have far more in common with this trout than you might think. The following significant facts have been pointed out: (a) The yolk sac of Osteichthyes (bony fishes) and Amphibia is supplied by blood from body veins, while that of Selachii (cartilaginous fishes) and Amniota receives blood by way of direct branches from the dorsal aorta. Osteichthyes: Characteristics, Classification and Examples. Each metamere consists of a section of the body wall and a compartment of the body cavity with its internal organs. True coelom. Digestive System. Humans, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are all vertebrates. Development of a three-chambered heart that pumps mixed blood before and after it has gone to the lungs. Trends in circulatory systems - Fig 42.3. Urochordata and 2. Chondrichthyes have a..... A. Diversity of Chondrichthyes. Class Osteichthyes • Swim Bladder – a gas-filled sac above the stomach allows for adjustments in buoyancy Upper and lower lobes of Caudal Fin almost always the same size 16. Rana (frog) belongs to class amphibia. At the nose end of the fish lie olfactory lobes, which provide sense of smell. The sinus venosus gets deoxygenated blood from the body, travels to the atrium which is pumped to the ventricle. A closed double-loop circulatory system that replaces the single-loop circulatory path of fish. Bony fish are fish that have a skeleton made up of bone and cartilage, in contrast to the cartilaginous fish, which have no bones.There are over 29,000 species of bony fish that grouped together into a taxonomic Superclass called Osteichthyes, making them the largest taxa of vertebrates in existence today.Some other characteristics of bony fish include the ability to swim forward and backwards. A very primitive fish within this group is the coelacanth, belonging to it’s own order. 9. It has a 3-chambered heart (two auricles and one ventricle). - Blood in is transferred in the by the heart, in cephalochordates by contraction of blood vessels. The circulatory system of fish is quite simple. HAve a closed circulatory system with. 2 Vertebrate Anatomy: Background. Osteicethyes is the largest class of superclasses Pisces under the subphylum Vertebrata (phylum: chordata ). These organs are usually paired. QUESTION 2 The animal in the picture below has a 3-chambered heart within a closed circulatory system, lays non-amniotic eggs in water, is ectothermic and poikilothermic, and breathes using lungs. Osteichthyes have a closed circulatory system with one main circuit. Circulatory - Osteichthyes. Its circulatory system possesses closed type circulatory system, the whole system is primarily comprised of a gills, heart, blood vessels, and blood itself to flow and supply oxygen. Blind fish, such as cavefishes in the family Amblyopsidae, have a reduced midbrain.Fast-swimming bony fishes usually have an enlarged hindbrain. Olfactory pits - blind sacs opening to the external environment that …

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